- Ukraine
The suffering of Ukranians at the hands of their aggressive neighbour has continued all week.
We can, we should and we will pray for peace and for those affected.
Various people, in different ways, are trying to work out what they can do.
One person, for example, contacted me to let me know about Cook For Ukraine. The idea is simple. You invite some friends round for a meal or for a coffee, and ask them to make a donation at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/cookforukraine
There are many other groups and organisations that are raising funds and I know many of you have already given generously. Thank you. If you haven’t yet, or want to give again, StAB will pass on anything put in the offering plate that is clearly marked UKRAINE.
2 ) Sunday
I’m very grateful to Richard Tulloch for stepping into lead services in Church this Sunday at 9.30 am and 10.30 am (10.30 streamed athttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyx9BQETCXXgQ5HcwkBtLdA.) I tested positive for Covid on Tuesday and have been grounded for a week. I count myself very fortunate because my symptoms have been very mild, I’ve felt a bit under the weather but that’s it.
3) Belhaven Choristers
The Choristers and Pipe Band from Belhaven Hill School will be putting on a short concert in St Andrew Blackadder this Saturday, 12 March, at 3 pm.
Entry is free. If you don’t have anything else planned, why not come along, enjoy some music and support the young people.
4) Rotary Sale
North Berwick Rotary Club are holding a book and DVD sale at St. Andrew Blackadder Church on Saturday 19th. March. Proceeds from the sale are in aid of Red Nose Day appeal. Unwanted books and DVD’s can be handed in to room 4 at St. Andrew Blackadder Church on the mornings of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this coming week from 9.00am until 12 noon. The sale will be held in a gazebo adjacent to the Church
5) The Guild
There will be a Joint Guild Meeting on Tuesday 15 March at 2:30 in the Chapel. Mary Miller will be signing copies of her biography, Jane Haining: A Life of Love and Courage. Please come along and learn about this inspirational School Matron, who was sent to die in Auschwitz and was honoured with the title Righteous Among the Nations.
6) Christian Aid Quiz
It’s March, so we thought a good quiz theme would be Hares. Each answer in this month’s quiz is a word which contains the letters H A R E in order. To download a quiz, please visit:https://www.standrewblackadder.org.uk/images/stories/CA_Quiz/quiz%202022-03.pdf The quiz has details on how to donate £1 to Christian Aid via: www.christianaid.org.uk.
7) Songs for The Edington
Next Sunday, 23 March, 11.30 am – 12.00 noon, outside the Edington, live performance by the NB Gospel Choir
8) Prayer Gathering
Each Wednesday on Zoom between for 30 minutes starting at 7 pm.
Meeting ID: 881 5247 0672
Passcode: StABPrayer
Rev Dr Neil Dougall
St Andrew Blackadder Church of Scotland, North Berwick
St Andrew Street, North Berwick, EH39 4NU
Scottish Charity SC006421
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