Neil is on holiday this week.
We have the following activities taking place in the coming weeks.
- Discerning Priorities
Please do either email or drop in to the office any final responses on the list of 55 ideas generated on Sunday 3rd April.
2) Public Hustings
East Lothian Council Election, North Berwick Coastal Ward
Wednesday 27th April, 7.30pm in Abbey Church, High Street, North Berwick
Organised by North Berwick & District Association of Churches
3. North Berwick Gospel Choir Concerts for Ukraine. Friday 29th & Saturday 30th April at 7pm in the Sanctuary. Tickets can be purchased on the door: £5 for adults and £3 for children.
4. Christian Aid Events
Sunday 15th May: United Service, this year hosted at St Andrew Blackadder Church at 6pm. Please join us as we raise our voices to call for climate justice.
Saturday 21st May: Christian Aid Bake Sale in the grounds of Abbey Church from 10am – 12 noon. A selection of home baking, preserves and soup will be available for cash donations made to Christian Aid on the day. (We will be unable to give change at this event.)
Sunday 29th May: Christian Aid Raffle at our stall at Dirleton Market on the Green from 11am – 3 pm. Cash only event. Please contact Ian McAulay if you can help.
5. Prayer gathering
Each Wednesday on Zoom between for 30 minutes starting at 7 pm.
Meeting ID: 881 5247 0672
Passcode: StABPrayer
Best wishes
Session Clerk
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