- Sunday 17 Sept Services at 9.30 am and 10.30 (also live-streamed). The passage is Joshua 14:6-15 and the theme, Give me this mountain! Tommy MacNeil looks at this passage in chapter 6, God’s Retirement Plan in Sleeping Giant.
2) Harvest Sunday 1 Oct Harvest is in two weeks’ time. As part of this service you are encouraged to share. Two particular ways are by 1) bringing non-perishable for East Lothian Foodbank – this week Lucy messaged me to say they are particularly low on long-life fruit juice and jam – and 2) making a financial contribution to Tearfund’s Church Community Transformation Fund.
3) Prayer Ideas Group Last Sunday I said that the Sleeping Giant will not wake without prayer, and then said that 90% of Christians find prayer difficult. To help address this a small group is going to meet at 11.45 am on Sunday 24 Sept in the Prayer Room (off the chapel) to do a bit of brainstorming. I wonder, are there a few people in the congregation who sense a calling to encourage and resource prayer? Does that describe you? Would you be willing to offer 30 minutes next Sunday to see where this might go? You don’t need to be an expert on prayer. In fact it’s probably helps if you aren’t. All that’s needed are a few people who are able to invest some time and energy creating opportunities and sharing ideas so that more people develop regular and deeper patterns of prayer.
4) Resources for Small Groups A number of home (and other small) groups meets regularly for fellowship, prayer and bible study. Over a number of years some really useful resources have been purchased. A new home for these has been created in the prayer room.
Have you ever wondered about getting together with a few people to encourage one another in discipleship? Have you ever stopped because you need some ideas to get you started? No one ever needs permission in St Andrew Blackadder to do this. These resources have been put in the Prayer Room so that people can browse and borrow. So what are you waiting for?
5) MacMillan Coffee Morning Saturday 30thSeptember, 10 -12 pm in the Church Hall.
This is being organised by Elaine M, Katie K and Joan M. If you could contribute any home baking please let one of them know. And please come along and support the event.
6) Presbytery Conferences The Presbytery wants to energise and inspire congregations. To this end it has arranged two conferences. The first is on Mission. Tommy MacNeil, author of Sleeping Giant will speak. It is in Jedburgh on Friday 22 Sept. The second is on Worship and will be in Longniddry on Saturday 30 Sept. More details below.
One person who wanted to hear Tommy MacNeil but isn’t able to travel to Jedburgh found a video of Tommy on YouTube, watched it and told me how great it had been.
7) Prayer GatheringsEvery Monday in Room 1 between 10 and 11 am.
Every Wednesday on Zoom between for 30 minutes starting at 7 pm.
Please contact the office for log in details.
Rev Dr Neil Dougall
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