- Sunday 1 October
Harvest Sunday. Worship at 9.30 am (this is the service which will be live-streamed) and at 10.30 am. Junior Church will take part in the 10.30 service. They and the YF will remain in the service throughout.
Harvest is a prompt both to thank God and to share what God has given you. You are encouraged to share in two ways. Choose one or do both if you are able.
– Bring some non-perishable food for the East Lothian Foodbank. The attached poster lists some of the things most deeded.
– Contribute financially to Tearfund’s Church and Community Transformation Fund. You’ll hear more about this during the service. You can bring cash on Sunday and put it in the Tearfund envelopes that will be available. Or you can give directly by clicking https://www.tearfund.org/campaigns/harvest-appeal
Messy Church will run from 4 pm to 6 pm. Many families find that activities on Sunday mornings make it difficult for them to be part of Sunday morning church. Maybe you know people for whom this is true. That’s why Messy Church takes place at the end of Sunday afternoon. And because it includes a meal parents who are feeling stretched don’t need to prepare a meal. Is God prompting you to invite someone to Messy Church? And if so, would you be willing to come with them so they’re coming with someone they know?
2) MacMillan Coffee Morning Saturday 30thSeptember, 10 -12 pm in the Church Hall.
Any support you can give will be greatly appreciated.
3) After Church Prayer
Each Sunday when you come to church many things are going on in your life. It’s great to have time to worship God, to reflect on scripture and to meet people. There will be some Sundays when you also would really appreciate someone praying for you. Starting next week, (Sunday 8 October) at the end of the 10.30 service, there will be 2 people standing beside the preaching desk who will be available to pray for you.
If you’d like someone to pray for you simply go to them at the end of the service. You can tell them as much or as little as you want. If you don’t want to tell them anything that’s okay. They will simply pray for you, trusting that God knows what you need. Equally, if you tell them anything, it will be held in confidence.
4) Scout Helpers Needed.
Laura Hill, Group Scout Leader sent me this message yesterday.
I’m writing on behalf of 1st North Berwick Scout Group to ask if you might be able to help us as we’re urgently looking for volunteers to help lead activities for Scouts (age 10.5 to 14). I wondered if you might be able to make an announcement at church? If anyone is interested in finding out more I’d be delighted to meet them to chat further about what’s involved. They can contact me at gsl1stnb@gmail.com.
5) Guild
The next meeting of the Guild Our next fortnightly meeting will be on Tuesday, 3rd October, at 2 pm. The speaker is Robert Alexander from Vine Trust: Kazunzu Village of Hope, one of the Guild projects for this year. It will be a joint meeting with Abbey. If you’d like to know more about this, come along. You’ll be made most welcome.
6) Life and Work
Life and Work is the monthly magazine of the Church of Scotland and is available for an annual payment of £42. If you would like to receive a copy please let Sheila Brown know by 22nd October. Her details are in church directory
7) Stain Sleuthing
Have you noticed stains appearing on the church carpets? Their origin is a mystery and your help in solving the mystery would be appreciated. It is easier to remove stains if you know what caused them. So if you spill something on the carpet anywhere in church, please mop it up as best you can, and then send a message to Mike in the church office. Tell him where the spillage was and what it was (coffee, water, coke or something you walked in). It’s not about blaming anyone, it’s about sharing information to help get to the bottom of the mystery.
Please don’t report stains that are already there. Unless you have information about what caused a stain there’s no benefit in sharing the information.
8) Thanks
The recent concert for the Day Centre in the church raised £634. Last week’s Coffee Morning for Ukraine raised £1246. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
9) Prayer Gatherings
Every Monday in Room 1 between 10 and 11 am.
Every Wednesday on Zoom between for 30 minutes starting at 7 pm.
Please contact the office for log in details.
10) Book Launch
A book about the Revd David Torrance’s famous father, called Thomas Torrance, China and the Qiang, is being launched on Saturday October 7th in the small hall at Abbey Church. You are warmly welcomed to join the family and friends at 10.30 for 11am.
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