
6th September 2023, Weekly Update

6th September 2023, Weekly Update

  1. Sunday 8 October

Hunger Lunch At 12 noon, in the hall. This is a simple meal of soup, rolls and coffee/tea. Through this money is raised that goes to help some people who live with hunger. This year it is the families who live in the Orphan Village in Malawi. It’s also a great time and place to get to know one another better.

Rotary Collection for Libya and Malawi

North Berwick Rotary are collecting money to help those affected by the recent earthquake in Morocco and flooding in Libya. They will have buckets at the door at the end of the service. Please give if you can.

2)  Gift Day

You gave very generously towards Gift Day this year. All the funds, together with Gift Aid, have now been received. The total reached was £34.306, well in excess of the target of £30,000. The hope had been that five projects would each receive £6000. All will receive that and more and you’ll see below. The slightly different figures represent the wishes which various people expressed.

Midwifery Training, Pakistan                         £6,979

Green Canopy, Malawi                                   £7,079

Skate park, North Berwick                             £6,688

Summer Holiday Survival Packs                    £6,935

Ife Bible Translation                                       £6,625

3)  Harvest

On behalf of the staff and trustees East Lothian Food Bank would like to thank you so much for thinking of them at this harvest time.

Our donations totalled 175kg, which is enough to support 7 families in East Lothian.

This provides a vital top up of donations at a very busy time.

You can still contribute to Tearfund – simply put your envelope in the plate.

4)   Macmillan Coffee Morning

Joan, Katie & Elaine would like to thank everyone who contributed in any way to the smooth running and success of the Macmillan coffee morning last Saturday. The fantastic sum of £1135 was raised and has been sent on to Macmillan Cancer Support.

5)   Life and Work is the monthly magazine of the Church of Scotland. It is available for an annual payment of £42. If you would like to receive this please let Sheila Brown know by 22nd October. Details in church directory.

6)   NB Community Council is hosting a public meeting on Tues 10th Oct at 7.30 pm in the Sanctuary to discuss the ELC Parking proposals. The deadline for objections has been extended to 22nd October. Please come along even if you have objected already.

 7)   Blytheswood Shoeboxes are available to collect from both vestibules. Please return your filled boxes between Sunday 15th & 22nd of October. Each box has a leaflet inside that includes a checklist to be completed

8)   Prayer Gatherings

Every Monday in Room 1 between 10 and 11 am.

Every Wednesday on Zoom between for 30 minutes starting at 7 pm.

Please contact the office for log in details.



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