- Sunday 26 Nov
Services at 9.30 am and 10.30 am (also live-streamed). The passage is Psalm 42 and the theme, Hungry.
Communion will be celebrated at both services. If you are unable to come on Sunday, communion will also be celebrated at the Beacon Service on Thursday 30 Nov at 1 pm. If you are worshipping online, remember to prepare your bread and wine so that you can participate in this part of the service too.
2) Unite: St John’s Dalkeith, 26 Nov 6.30 pm
One of the fruits of Growing Young is a youth event for the congregations which took part. The next one will be in Dalkeith this Sunday starting at 6.30 pm. A group from StAB will be going. If you’d like to be part of it speak to Mary, Andrew or Paul.
3) Part Time Youth Worker
Andrew Duncan has been working as part time Apprentice Youth Worker since February 2020. During this time he completed a degree in theology with a specialism in youth work. His course combined theory and practice. He graduated last weekend and received an award for achieving the highest marks on his course.
In the same week he was interviewed for the post of Part Time Youth Worker at St Andrew Blackadder. In interview he demonstrated the competence and skills required for the position and has accepted the post he was offered.
Andrew has developed a huge amount during his apprenticeship. Many people in the congregation have supported, mentored and encouraged him. Thank you to every one of you who has contributed to this. Please don’t stop. Andrew is very aware that he still has a huge amount to learn. Please can you continue to give him feedback and encouragement so he will keep growing.
4) Day of Prayer Sat 2 Dec
The questions Why not here? Why not now? are a stimulus to pray. We pray for God to pour out the Holy Spirit. Since most people find it difficult to pray as much as they want, a day to pray is being organised. It will be in the church building on Saturday 2 December from 8.30 am to 3.00 pm. Come for it all, for an hour, for 30 minutes, or for 5 minutes. Come for as much as you can. During the day there will be lots of prompts for prayer. You can pray out loud or silently, on your own or in a group. You can pray while sitting or while walking around the town. There are many ways you can pray. Come and be part of the day in a way that fits you.
5) Bible Notes
An easy way to remember to read the Bible is to have Scripture Union’s Bible Notes emailed to you every day. To start, please visit: www.wordlive.org, find “Sign up for the Word Live email”, and click the “Sign up” box below it.
If you would like to have Bible Notes sent to your phone, the “Every Day With Jesus” app will be launched on 1 January 2024. Please visit: www.waverleyabbey.org, click “encounter” and sign up for further information.
If you would rather receive printed Bible Notes (in four quarterly booklets), please call: 01908 856000 or visit: https://content.scriptureunion.org.uk. Alternatively, IBRA Christian Education produces a one-volume book of Bible studies, Fresh from the Word 2024 (£12.99). To order it, please call: 0121 458 3313 or email: sales@christianeducation.org.uk.
Jean McAulay (details in Directory) will be glad to help you with any of these.
6) The Guild
last Sunday’s Guild Lunch was a great success, Thanks to everyone who donated the soup & delicious puddings and all who helped on the day. A special thanks to those who came and enjoyed the lunch – we raised £430 for the Kazunzu Village of Hope and Pioneers: Chocolate Heaven.
The next meeting is at 2 pm on Tuesday 28th November. Our speaker will be a member of our church, Tony Cooper, and he will be talking about Transformers. Do feel welcome to join us and hear what Tony has to say.
We are still collecting used stamps. The proceeds this year are going to the Malawi Green Canopy. Please save your used stamps and put them in the envelope in the rear vestibule.
7) Air Cadet Christmas Coffee Morning. Some of our young people are raising funds for the North Berwick Harbour Trust and 132 Squadron. Saturday 9th December, 10am -12pm at Abbey Church Hall. Entry is £3.50 (inc drink and cake) Children under 12 and cadets-free. Baking Raffle, Tombola etc.
8) Prayer Gatherings
A third regular prayer gathering has started. It is in the prayer room (just off the chapel) on Sundays between 10.00 and 10.20 am. Drop in for as long or short as you’re able
Every Monday in Room 1 between 10 and 11 am. Every Wednesday on Zoom between for 30 minutes starting at 7 pm. Please contact the office for log in details.
Rev Dr Neil Dougall
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