- Sunday 24 Dec
There will be NO service at 9.30 am.
At 10.30 am there will be a service of Nine Lessons and Carols which will also be live-streamed.
At 7.00 pm there will be a service suitable for all ages.
There will NOT be a Watchnight service.
2) Christmas Day 25 Dec
There will be a service suitable for all ages at 10.30 am.
3) Beacon Thu 28 Dec
The Beacon WILL be serving soup, tea/coffee and cake as usual. However there will NOT be a service at 1 pm.
4) Sunday 31 Dec
There will be NO service at 9.30 am.
At 10.30 am there will be a service suitable for all ages. At it Rev Muriel Pearson (sister of Stephen) who works with the Church of Scotland in Israel will participate. I am looking forward to hearing her perspective on a very complex situation.
Throughout Advent we have decided not to light the 2nd candle on our Advent Crown as a prayer for peace to come to the Holy Land, and as a way of standing with those who are suffering. Many other churches are doing this too – and not everyone thinks this is the right thing to do. Muriel writes about this at https://murielpearson.com/
5) Prayer
Most of the regular prayer groups are taking a break next week. However, feel free to get together with others at any time which is convenient to you.
6) Church Building
The church office will be closed from 23 Dec and will reopen on 3 January. Other than for the activities I’ve mentioned the church building will also be closed. The next scheduled weekly news will drop on Friday 5 January.
7) Thank you.
A huge number of people have contributed in all sorts of ways in the last few weeks to ensure that the message of Jesus’ birth is heard in our community in a way that makes sense today. Thank you for expressing your faith in this way. May your Christmas be both peaceful and profound.
Rev Dr Neil Dougall
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