
Prayer Diary, June 2024

Prayer Diary, June 2024

01/06/2024 Pray for safety and stamina for Anna Dougall and all the others who are taking part in the Kiltwalk tomorrow and remember those who will be helped by the money raised.
02/06/2024 Pray for Andrew as he speaks during the services this morning about the Youth Work in St Andrew Blackadder.
03/06/2024 Give thanks for all that Mike has done during his time as Church Officer and pray for him and his family as he looks to the future.
04/06/2024 Remember Neil and all the elders as the Kirk Session meets this evening.
05/06/2024 Pray about the Gospel Project: Hungry for Good News.

That the 2024 gospels will be taken and that the gospels’ will be read.

06/06/2024 That the Holy Spirit will open people’s heart as they read and for people to believe in Jesus and commit their life to him.
07/06/2024 Pray for the ladies who arrange the floral displays each week in the sanctuary and elsewhere in the church building.
08/06/2024 Remember all who serve on the Open Doors rota and pray for all the visitors who come into the church building.
09/06/2024 Pray for Jon who will be baptized and for Harry who will join the congregation during the service this morning. Remember too the congregation in the Baptist church as they worship this morning.
10/06/2024 Pray for those who run Little Angels each and for all the young people, parents and carers who attend.
11/06/2024 Pray for honesty amongst the politicians as they make claims for themselves and their party in the run up to the election.
12/06/2024 Continue to pray about the situation in the Ukraine and Gaza.
13/06/2024 Pray for all the leaders, helpers, bakers and those who make the soup for the Beacon each week. Remember all who will have lunch and attend the service afterwards.
14/06/2024 Pray for all the young people who will be spending the night at Scoughall as part of the church weekend.
15/06/2024 Remember the Messy Church families who will be joining the Church Weekend.
16/06/2024 Pray for Derek Harley from Scripture Union who is the speaker for the weekend.
17/06/2024 Remember Mary, Ian and others who help with the gardening around the church, keeping it tidy and make it a pleasant area around our church building.
18/06/2024 Pray for someone you know who is finding life very difficult at the moment and in need of support and encouragement.
19/06/2024 Remember the new elders who were introduced to the congregation recently and for the part they play in the life of the church.
20/06/2024 Pray for yourself and especially for your witness to your neighbours and members of the fellowship.
21/06/2024 Give thanks for all the contacts which have been made at Parentspace and pray for the leaders as they now plan to restart the event in the autumn.
22/06/2024 Remember all who will gather this morning in Haddington West Church to pray for the work of SU in East Lothian and beyond.
23/06/2024 Today is Gift day. Ask God to give guidance and wisdom to the members of the congregation as they consider how they should respond to the requests.
24/06/2024 Pray about the recipients of our Gift Day appeal.

The ambitious plan to make heating the Church Hall net zero

25/06/2024 Providing eco-stoves to help Malawian families who cook over open fires
26/06/2024 Enabling Scripture Union to install solar panels at Scoughall
27/06/2024 Assisting North Berwick Harbour Trust provide universal access to the East Beach from the Low Quay
28/06/2024 Helping Rev Muriel Pearson who is developing a garden for reflection at the C of S site beside Lake Galilee
29/06/2024 Pray for those you have not seen in church for a long time either because they have lost interest or are unable to come each week.
30/06/2024 Pray for Jock Stein who is leading worship this morning and will be preaching on Ezekiel.

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