
Prayer Diary August 2024

Prayer Diary August 2024

01/08/2024 Give thanks for all that Neil and Helen have achieved during the last few months and pray that they will now have a good restful holiday in France.
02/08/2024 Pray about the operation and use of the 24/7 prayer space in room 1 which will be available until Sunday 11th August.
03/08/2024 Pray for the Ralston family in Sweden and give thanks that Hamish was fit enough to take such an active part in the wedding of his daughter.
04/08/2024 Pray for Donna as she preaches at our services this morning.
05/08/2024 Pray about the Gospel Project: Hungry for Good News.

that the 2024 gospels will be taken and that the gospels will be read.

06/08/2024 that the Holy Spirit will open people’s heart as they read and for people to believe in Jesus and commit their life to him.
07/08/2024 Pray for all the students who have been disappointed by not receiving an offer they hoped for to study at university or college and are now considering other options.
08/08/2024 Pray for older folk you know who are very apprehensive about the media coverage of hackers and scammers and are worried that their finances may be stolen.
09/08/2024 Pray for all the teachers who are returning to school and preparing to meet all their new pupils.
10/08/2024 Remember those who welcome visitors to our church building, to one of the services or activities. Pray that they may have guidance and wisdom as they relate to them.
11/08/2024 Remember Mary as she leads our worship today and for all the visitors who will attend.
12/08/2024 Pray for Neil as he prepares his programme for the services in the coming months.
13/08/2024 The Kirk Session will be meeting this evening. Pray for wisdom and insight for all the members who will attend.
14/08/2024 Pray that all that happens in our church will be a positive influence for the residents of North Berwick.
15/08/2024 Remember the work of Wycliffe and pray particularly for the workers who are known to the members of the local prayer group.
16/08/2024 Pray for those we do not see on a Sunday but who work during the week, keeping the premises clean and tidy.
17/08/2024 Give thanks for all the talented musicians we have who contribute to the enjoyment of the services each week.
18/08/2024 This morning marks the launch of the 2024 book, Lighting the Beacons.

Pray too for Douglas and the members of the churches in  East Linton, Stenton and Athelstaneford.

19/08/2024 Pray for all who feel lonely, worried and neglected and ask for wisdom as you seek ways to help them.
20/08/2024 Pray for guidance for the members of the Operations Committee as they meet this evening.
21/08/2024 Pray for those who are worried or annoyed by the consistent scam phonecalls which they receive and seem unable to do anything to stop it.
22/08/2024 Remember someone you know who has been a real help and blessing in recent weeks.
23/08/2024 Pray about a situation which involves members of our fellowship and which has been causing you concern in recent days.
24/08/2024 Pray for all who will be taking part today in the SU Big Celebration, giving thanks for all that has been achieved over the summer period.
25/08/2024 We celebrate Communion during our services this morning. Pray for Neil and all who will be taking part.
26/08/2024 Look again at the leaflet which we received about the Gift Day projects and pray for one of them each day. Give thanks that our target of £40,000 has been reached.

the ambitious plan to make heating the Church Hall net zero

27/08/2024 providing eco-stoves to help Malawian families who cook over open fires
28/08/2024 enabling Scripture Union to install solar panels at Scoughall
29/08/2024 assisting North Berwick Harbour Trust provide universal access to the East Beach from the Low Quay
30/08/2024 helping Rev Muriel Pearson who is developing a garden for reflection at the C of S site beside Lake Galilee
31/08/2024 Remember the people of America as they prepare for the election. Pray for civility, integrity and honesty in all that is said and done.

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