- Sunday 21 July
Services are at 9.30 am and 10.30 am (also live-streamed). The passage is Colossians 4:2-18 and the theme, Be Still, Be Thankful, Be Present. Be Ready.
2) North Berwick Holiday Club 22-26 July
This exciting week of activities begins on Monday. It’s great that lots of young folk have registered. Details below so you can spread the news to others. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to serve on the team. Everyone else can play their part in two ways.
Please pray for more young people to register and come; for the Holy Spirit to work; for the team to have energy and wisdom.
Please come to the Commissioning Service at Abbey Church, 6 pm, Sunday 21 July.
3) 24/7 Prayer, 2-11 August
Room 1 will be a 24 hour prayer room between Friday 2 August and Sunday 11 August. It will be open for drop in prayer between 10 am and 4 pm each day; and then by sign-in between 4 pm and 10 am. The aim is to have at least one person praying at every hour of the day and night in that room during these 9 days. Could you be one of these people?
If you’ve never come across the 24/7 prayer movement have a chat with Lesli Lawrie or Ali Buchanan (details in Church Drirectory or via Church Office) who’d love to tell you more.
To find out more, visit http://www.standrewblackadder.org.uk/prayer-events/
4) Gift Day 2024
Great news. We’ve reached our target of £40,000. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has given so generously. Your instructions mean the amount for each project varies slightly. The target for all four outward projects was £5,000. Each will receive this in full – the figures range from £5,000 to £5,300. The Church project, the work on the hall, is slightly under at £19,400.
Gift Day will remain open throughout August. If you have not yet contributed please do so. It will allow us to give a little more to each project, all of whom will be grateful for additional funds. You can put cash/cheque in the offering plate in an envelope marked ‘Gift Day’, or give digitally to Account no. 00228845, Sort Code 80-17-95 Account Name, St Andrew Blackadder Church.
5) Prayer Gatherings
Every Sunday in Prayer Room between 10 and 10.20 am
Every Monday in Room 1 between 10 and 11 am.
Every Wednesday on Zoom between for 30 minutes starting at 7 pm. Log on details available from the office.
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