
Prayer Diary November 2024

Prayer Diary November 2024

01/11/2024 Pray for Lebanon and the Lebanese people.
02/11/2024 Continue to remember the leaders of the warring factions in the Middle East and all those who are affected by the continual bombing, death and destruction in the area.
03/11/2024 Remember all who will be involved in Messy Church this afternoon.
04/11/2024 Pray for all who organise the running of Little Angels and Play Space. Pray too for the members of the Kirk Session as they meet tomorrow evening.
05/11/2024 Remember all who are frightened or upset by the noise of fireworks at this time of year.
06/11/2024 Remember Andrew as he organises the newly formed Board Games Club and pray for all the contacts which this venture will reach.
07/11/2024 Pray about the Gospel Project: Hungry for Good News that the 2024 gospels will be taken and that the gospels will be read.
08/11/2024 that the Holy Spirit will open people’s heart as they read and for people to believe in Jesus and commit their life to him.
09/11/2024 Give thanks for the success of the SU holiday at Scoughall in October and pray that the seeds of gospel truth planted in the hearts of the young people will be nurtured.
10/11/2024 Pray for all who will be involved in the Remembrance Day Service today and especially for those who have personal reasons for remembering family and friends today.
11/11/2024 Give thanks for all that has been achieved through the Beacon during the last 30 years, giving thanks for the vision of Jean and Janet who set it up.
12/11/2024 Pray for someone you know who said or wrote something which you found hurtful and insensitive.  Give thanks for others who have been helpful and an encouragement.
13/11/2024 Remember those you know who have had an operation for cancer or are waiting to have one and are apprehensive about what the future may hold.
14/11/2024 Pray for Hamish and Annika as he recovers from his accident. Remember too his family and their work in Sweden.
15/11/2024 Pray for safety and security for all the drivers who take part in the Volunteer Car Scheme. Remember too all who use the service it offers to help them get to hospital, surgery and other appointments.
16/11/2024 Remember those you know who are living beyond their resources, spending what they do not have and unable to accept that they could get along quite well by spending less on luxuries.
17/11/2024 Pray for Mary Haddow as she leads worship and preaches this morning. Remember too the minister and congregation in St Baldred’s as they meet for worship this morning.
18/11/2024 Pray for those who are having to cope with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Remember their spouses, family and carers who have a difficult time looking after them.
19/11/2024 Remember all who are having to live on limited resources and are apprehensive about the future.
20/11/2024 Pray for the work and witness of the minister and congregation of a church you have an interest in or connection with in another part of the United Kingdom.
21/11/2024 Pray for elderly car drivers who are beginning to feel that they should be no longer driving but worry about being able to access facilities which are vital.
22/11/2024 Pray for yourself that you will be a blessing and encouragement to those you meet.
23/11/2024 Pray for the work and witness of the minister and congregation of a church you are interested in or know well in another part of the United Kingdom.
24/11/2024 We celebrate Communion this morning. Pray for Neil as he leads worship today. Look again at the leaflet which we received about the Gift Day projects and pray for one of them each day. Give thanks that our target of £40,000 has been reached.
25/11/2024 the ambitious plan to make heating the Church Hall net zero
26/11/2024 providing eco-stoves to help Malawian families who cook over open fires
27/11/2024 enabling Scripture Union to install solar panels at Scoughall
28/11/2024 assisting North Berwick Harbour Trust provide universal access to the West Beach from the Low Quay. Pray for all who will attend the Communion Service att the Beacon today.
29/11/2024 helping Rev Muriel Pearson who is developing a garden for reflection at the C of S site beside Lake Galilee. Pray about the Half Day of Prayer being held today in our church.
30/11/2024 Remember all who have received very negative news about their health and are worried about what the future might hold.

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