
Prayer Diary, January 2025

Prayer Diary, January 2025

01/01/2025 Pray that in the coming year all that is said and done in our church will have a positive affective on those who do not attend our church regularly.
02/01/2025 Remember Helen and Neil and all the duties which they undertake for the church, town and beyond.
03/01/2025 Pray for Keith as he works on the preparation of the annual accounts for last year.
04/01/2025 Give thanks for Julie who works so hard, efficiently and so graciously in the office throughout the year.
05/01/2025 This morning Neil begins a series of sermons based on Mark’s gospel.
06/01/2025 Pray for members of your family who used to attend church regularly but are no longer interested in coming to worship each week.
07/01/2025 Remember Nikki, Hilde, Mari, Andrew and the others who have a specific role in the life of the church.
08/01/2025 Pray for members of our fellowship who are now living in Dirleton Court, Fidra and other nursing homes.
09/01/2025 Pray about the Gospel Project: Hungry for Good News.

that the 2024 gospels will be taken and that the gospels will be read.

10/01/2025 that the Holy Spirit will open people’s heart as they read and for people to believe in Jesus and commit their life to him.
11/01/2025 Pray for the staff who work in the Health Centre and the Edington and for the District Nurses who work in our area attending to the needs of the local people.
12/01/2025 Today we look at how Mark describes the beginning of the ministry of Jesus.
13/01/2025 Remember those who felt lonely and ignored over the festive season.
14/01/2025 Pray for Neil and all who will attend the meeting he is speaking at for Probationer Ministers.
15/01/2025 Remember the work and witness of all who will attend the meeting of North Berwick and District Association of Churches this evening.
16/01/2025 Pray for the leaders and pupils who are attending the recently started or restarted SU groups in Law Primary, Campie Primary and Ross High and Loretto secondary schools.
17/01/2025 Pray for Hamish, Annika and their family in Sweden and remember all the others you know who are working abroad and were away from home at Christmas.
18/01/2025 Pray for the members of our fellowship who record the services each week and others who take the CDs and DVDs to those who enjoy receiving them.
19/01/2025 A joint service to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is being held in Gullane Church at 6.00 pm this evening.  Pray too for the members of the North Berwick Christian Fellowship.
20/01/2025 The political situation in various countries may have changed since the entries were made for the Prayer Diary but find out what is happening and then pray appropriately.


21/01/2025 Lebanon
22/01/2025 Syria
23/01/2025 Ukraine
24/01/2025 Pray for Derek and all who are preparing for the SU Secondary Residential Weekend event for young people in our area.
25/01/2025 Join with all the supporters who are celebrating the SU Scotland Day of Prayer today and praying for the ministry of SU in the year ahead. Remember too all who are involved in the Malawi Coffee Morning.
26/01/2025 We consider how Mark describes how the ministry of Jesus immediately generated conflict.
27/01/2025 Pray regularly for the Kirk Session conference on March 1, when the elders will be discerning God’s priorities for the next few years.
28/01/2025 Look through a copy of the Church Directory and pray for all those you do not know or have not met.
29/01/2025 Pray for all who are homeless and are suffering in the cold, wet weather.
30/01/2025 Remember someone you know who is trying to cope with a specific problem at the moment and pray for guidance as you try to help them.
31/01/2025 Pray for yourself and your witness in the coming months.

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