- New Date for Joint Service
Sunday 26 January.
The date for the joint service for Christian Unity has been changed. It will now be on Sunday 26 January, not this Sunday (19 January) as announced last week. The time and venue are unchanged, Gullane Parish Church at 6 pm.
2) Sunday 19 January
Services at 9.30 am and 10.30 am (also live-streamed). The passage is Mark 2:1-17 and the theme, Set Free.
There will NOT be a joint service in the evening – see above.
3) Guild Tuesday 21 January, 2pm.
In a change to the published programme Gillian Couper, who is working in St Andrew Blackadder until Easter, will speak about the Grassmarket Project and her involvement with it. Please come along to his meeting which will be held in the chapel. There will be a warm welcome for everyone.
4) Malawi Coffee Morning, Saturday 25 January
The 22nd annual Coffee Morning is on Saturday, 25 January, 10.00am – 12.00 noon in St Andrew Blackadder church. There will be no entry charge with the morning open to all and any donations welcomed. Coffees, teas and bakery will be served. Stalls include home baking and a new, and good as new, gift stall. All contributions and offers of help on the day, gratefully received.
5) Holiday Club “A tale of two Kings” will run from 21st – 25th of July.
An initial gathering of all previous, potential and not-available-but-happy-to-pray team members will take place at 7pm onwards on Monday 27th January at the Lawrie’s house (details in the directory). We will have coffee, cake and pray together. We look forward to seeing you.
6) Prayer Gatherings
Every Sunday in Prayer Room between 10 and 10.20 am Every Monday in Room 1 between 10 and 11 am. Every Wednesday on Zoom between for 30 minutes starting at 7 pm. Contact the office for log in details.
7) Thanks from Cunningham House
Rev Dr Neil Dougall
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