Sunday 15 May We begin looking at Revelation chapters 1 to 3 and explore what it means to be called to be a distinctive minority. Services in church will be at 9.30 am and 10.30 am, with the 10.30 am…
Category: Weekly Update (page 14)
6th May 2022, Weekly Update
We have the following activities taking place in the coming weeks. Jock Stein is preaching this Sunday. He has written a memoir and has a few copies left for sale. Cost is £10 with £5 donated to our mission fund. “His…
1st May 2022, Weekly Update
Neil is on study leave this week. We have the following activities taking place in the coming weeks. North Berwick Gospel Choir Concerts for Ukraine. Friday 29th & Saturday 30th April at 7pm in the Sanctuary. Tickets can be purchased…
21 April 2022, Weekly Update
Neil is on holiday this week. We have the following activities taking place in the coming weeks. Discerning Priorities Please do either email or drop in to the office any final responses on the list of 55 ideas generated on…
11th March 2022, Weekly Update
Ukraine The suffering of Ukranians at the hands of their aggressive neighbour has continued all week. We can, we should and we will pray for peace and for those affected. Various people, in different ways, are trying to work out…
4th March 2022, Weekly Update
Ukraine The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a naked, unprovoked act of aggression. I’m certain that God is as appalled as we are. We feel helpless and wonder what we can do. We can, we should and we will pray…
25th February 2022, Weekly Update
1. Sunday We celebrate communion at both services – 9.30 am and 10.30 am. If you are worshipping online please prepare your ‘bread’ and ‘wine’ beforehand so you can participate in that part of the service too. The links are…
11th February 2022, Weekly Update
Our Stewardship of Money We’ve been reflecting on stewardship in recent weeks, that is how we use the time, talents and money God has entrusted to us. James in his letter dismisses faith that is all talk and doesn’t result…
18th June, Weekly Update
Sunday We worship in the building at 9 am and 10.30 am. I’ve just checked and there are spaces available at both services. If you’d like to be part of a service get your ticket at Beginning this Sunday (20…
Weekly Update 28 May 2021
Tom Fergusson Tom died in the Edington on 20 May aged 88. Tom was a kind, helpful friendly man. A member of the North Berwick Pipe Band for 78 years, he taught generations of young people to play the pipes.…