Prayer Events

7pm Friday 2nd August- 9pm Sunday 11th August 2024



Room 1 is open for all to use between 10am and 4pm each day.

Feel free to pray in whatever way works for you, the idea is simply that we can spend time in the presence of the God who loves us.

The prompts are there to help, but there is no need to visit each one.

We ask that all are respectful of others using the space.

If you would like to sign up to pray for an hour out with these times, please book a slot on the calendar by using the link below. Use the “sign in as guest” pop up, and please plan carefully as this booking can’t be undone.

Please ensure that you attend or find someone to cover your slot otherwise there may be problems with the next person accessing the prayer room

Prayer gatherings are planned for

Friday 2/8/24 7-9pm

Sunday 4/8/24 7-9pm

Sunday 11/8/24 7-9pm

All are welcome to these prayer gatherings