We’re Hiring

We’re Hiring

The congregation is looking to fill two paid, part time positions, which could, also, both be done by the same person.

Church Officer: You will open the building at about 9 am Monday to Friday, and take care of practical details for the day. In total you will work 6 hours a week. You will be paid £12 an hour (the Real Living Wage).

Maintenance Coordinator: You will be responsible for the maintenance of the church building. You will do some small jobs yourself and involve others in the congregation. You will contact contractors and work with them to address larger issues. There will be no set hours or days and the workload will vary. You will be able to shape the work to suit you and your other activities. The average will be 6 hours a week. For example, you might work 12 hours for two weeks and then have two weeks off. Your salary will reflect your experience.

For further details please contact Julie in the office admin@standrewblackadder.org.uk