As our share in Christ’s concern for the whole world, St Andrew Blackadder has four main areas of overseas commitment.

We are twinned with Martin Memorial Church in Gangtok, Sikkim, part of the diocese of Eastern Himalaya of the Church of North India. (Videos of their church work are available).
A visit to NE India was made by members of our church in 2008 and a group from Gangtok came to North Berwick in 2014 and 2018.

We support Wycliffe Bible Translators, especially the local prayer meeting, which has been held in North Berwick for many years. Hamish and Annika Ralston and family are based in Sweden, helping in the Magend translation project and doing personnel work for Wycliffe Sweden
St Andrew Blackadder is also involved in the North Berwick Malawi Project. This began in 2002 with the purpose of helping the children orphaned by AIDS and their guardians in Kauma Village, set up by Adziwa ministry, an outreach programme of Capital City Baptist Church Lilongwe. A coffee morning is held annually in January to support Kauma Village.
Each year a proportion of the money raised at our annual Gift Day is given to overseas projects.
A notice Board in the St Andrew Street vestibule provides regular updates and overseas information
To find out more, please contact the Church Office.