
January & February 2023, Prayer Diary

January & February 2023, Prayer Diary

St Andrew Blackadder Church

Prayer Diary

January and February 2023

A big thank you to Ian Gordon.  For many years Ian has faithfully compiled the prayer diary. Every month, with imagination and sensitivity, he crafts a different short statement for each day to prompt our prayers.  Unfortunately, he has not been well which means he was unable to work on the prayer diary this month. That’s why it comes in a shorter form.  Ian is now recovering. He hopes he will be able to compile the prayer diary again for March.

You are invited to use these suggestions to prompt your praying on each day of the week during February.


Thank you, Lord, for the freedom we have to worship.  May our worship today to be inspired by your Spirit. May it lead us deeper into you, strengthen our faith and enable us to live as your people this coming week.


Thank you, Lord, for our young people. We pray for our schools that they may be places of peace and nurture.  We pray for the youth work in our church that children and teenagers may come to faith in Jesus and discover what it means to be his disciples.


Thank you, Lord, for our town. We pray that it will be a community where all find a place and a sense of belonging. We pray for those working on finding solutions to problems like providing health care and dealing with parking.


Thank you, Lord, for older people and the blessings they bring. Help those who are struggling with changes brought on by advancing years. We pray for those who are now housebound and for all who help them in different ways.


Thank you, Lord, for your invitation to be your disciples. Help each of us to grow in faith and walk in step with your Spirit. We pray that at home and at work, in the community and among our friends, we will live out our faith, both in word and in action.


Thank you, Lord, for our nation and for all the good things there are in it. We pray for our leaders in Haddington, Holyrood and Westminster. Guide and direct them that they might find solutions to problems and work for the common good.


Thank you, Lord, for your Church throughout our country and the world. We pray that it will be faithful to its calling to share in your mission of love to all.  Help the churches in our town to speak of, and show, the life there is in Christ.

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