Church weekend away sign up forms

Over the last few years there has been a very successful Church Weekend at Scoughall (SU site).  The weekend for ALL Together Church will be from lunchtime on Saturday 15th June until early afternoon on Sunday 16 June with people returning home to sleep in their own beds on Saturday night.

We gather for a buffet lunch together at 12 noon on Saturday.  In the afternoon there will be family games, activities and walks along the beach – followed by an all age gathering with a speaker giving a short talk.  This will be followed by a BBQ around the fire pit.

On Sunday there will be breakfast (bacon butties) at 9.15 am, followed by Family Worship with a second talk given by our speaker at 10.30am.  After lunch, there will be games and activities and walks similar to Saturday afternoon.  Before we end the weekend there will be a chance to hear a third talk from our speaker.

There will be a slightly different programme for teenagers. It will begin on Friday 14th June. They will also have the opportunity to sleep over at Scoughall.

We invite everyone at St Andrews Blackadder to come along – and please invite friends to join you there for however long they choose to come.  Our overall aim of the w/e is to build relationships with each other as a church family

A booking form is available on the St Andrews Blackadder website Contact Julie in the office if you need assistance. We suggest a contribution to help with the cost of the meals and hire of the site of £20/adult for the whole weekend and £10/young person. Please note that there is a separate booking form for teens that are sleeping over.