
May 2021 Prayer Diary

May 2021 Prayer Diary

1 Pray for the members of Tear Fund and other agencies who are trying to ensure that Covid vaccines are distributed fairly throughout the world and not just in the rich countries.


2 Pray for Douglas as he leads our worship this morning and for Neil as he continues with his study leave.


3 Remember the Queen as she resumes her royal duties and pray for all her family at this time of loss.


4 Pray for wisdom for Neil and the Kirk Session as then plan how best to restart activities now that the lockdown has been partially lifted.


5 Remember those who have been badly hit financially in recent months and are worried about how they will manage to cope in the future.


6 Pray that all the arrangements for the election will go smoothly and that today will be free of unpleasantness and animosity.


7 Continue to remember Hamish. Annika, their family and work in Sweden.


8 Pray for those working for Scripture Union who are trying to plan camps and missions for the summer period without the certainty of what will and what will not be allowed to happen.


9 Remember Father Bobi and his congregation in Our Lady Star of the Sea.

Pray that the various aspects of the fruit of the Spirit may become increasingly evident in your own life and in that of the church.


10 love and joy


11 peace and patience


12 kindness and goodness


13 faithfulness and gentleness


14 self-control


15 Pray for Jenny as she continues to visit and support many of the older members of our congregation.


16 Remember all those who will be blessed by receiving the DVD of today’s service.


17 Pray for all the politicians and other influential people who are responsible for deciding how vast sums of money should be spent when we hear of the needs of millions of needy throughout the world.


18 Remember those you know who are having to cope with mental health problems as a result of the conditions which have arisen as Covid has taken hold.


19 Pray for someone you know in our fellowship who has lost a loved one in recent weeks.


20 Remember Julie as she has to deal with all the extra duties and arrangements at this time.


21 Pray for Carol and the staff and volunteers at the Day Centre as they plan to reopen after the Covid lockdown.


22 Remember all who are still waiting to receive their second Covid vaccination and are worried in case they have been overlooked.


23 Pray for Neil and for all who will gather in St Andrew Blackadder Church this morning.


24 Remember all who are still feeling alone and neglected as they see others out and about now that the restrictions have been relaxed.


25 Pray for all who are worried having received a negative forecast regarding their health.


26 Recall and give thanks for some positive things that you have experienced recently.


27 Pray for someone you have not been able to see for a very long time and try to get in touch with them.


28 Remember those who are helping with the Food Banks and pray for all who desperately need the provisions they offer.


29 Give thanks for all the lovely weather which we experienced earlier in the year and for the lovely signs of new growth.


30 Pray for your neighbours and for your relationship with them.


31 Pray for wisdom for all those in Westminster and Holyrood who are planning the way ahead now that there seems to be far fewer Covid cases in the United Kingdom.


Thank you for reading a copy of the monthly Prayer Diary and for your prayers for people and situations both here in North Berwick and much further afield.

The diary is now available on the church website but if you or someone you know is having difficulty accessing it, or if you would like more specific information about any of the items mentioned, please contact Julie in the office or let me know.

If you would like me include something, do please get in touch!

Ian Gordon


“Come to me all you who labour and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28

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