- Sunday 3 Mar
Morning services at 9.30 am and 10.30 am (also live-streamed). The focus will be Luke 13:22-35 (also Hebrews 12:1-3). The theme is Don’t Miss Out
Messy Church (4-6 pm)
The focus will be Easter. The story of Jesus death and resurrection will be explored through crafts, worship and the experience of being together sharing a meal as a community of God’s people. All Ages are welcome, and it’s especially suitable for families with younger children.
2) Spring Harvest at Home
It’s back for 2024 which means you can worship, watch and listen to talks and seminars from the comfort of your home! It costs £27.50 and all the information is available from the Spring Harvest website:https://www.springharvest.org/events/news/spring-harvest-home-back-for-2024
3) Real Easter Eggs
Real Easter Eggs, the only ones which have an Easter story book in the box and are made of Fairtrade chocolate, will be available by order ONLY until today Sunday 3rd March; order forms are available at both entrances to the Church and include the opportunity to gift Eggs to The East Lothian Food Bank; ORDERS CLOSE TODAY. Dark Chocolate eggs have sold out by the supplier and none are available; kindly change your order if you wish to have milk chocolate instead. ‘Pay & Collect’ on Sun 17th March.
4) Brighter Days Book Tour, Thursday, 7 March, 7pm
(Kintsugi Hope)
We hope you can join us at the Brighter Days Book Tour event with Patrick Regan this coming Thursday at 7pm. It’s a great opportunity to invite your friends and family. Patrick explains why and what the tour is all about in this short video: What is the Brighter Days tour all about? (youtube.com). Tickets will be on sale this Sunday after church or you can purchase them online: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/815692868327?aff=oddtdtcreator or by going to the church website www.standrewblackadder.org.uk and clicking the link on the homepage. Tickets are £8 per adult or £5 concession.
5) The Church of Scotland General Assembly will be on Saturday, 18 May to Thursday, 23 May, 2024 (Excluding Sunday) If you are interested in volunteering to help with stewarding then please see the details attached. GA2024 Steward Recruitment Poster
6) Prayer Gathering
Every Sunday in Prayer Room between 10 and 10.20 am
Every Monday in Room 1 between 10 and 11 am.
Every Wednesday on Zoom between for 30 minutes starting at 7 pm.
Please contact the office for log on details
Rev Dr Neil Dougall
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