
Weekly Update 23rd February 2024

Weekly Update 23rd February 2024

  1. Sunday 25 Feb

This is a Communion Sunday. Communion will be celebrated at both the 9.30 and 10.30 services. If you are worshipping online (10.30 as usual) you might like to prepare your bread and wine beforehand so you can share in communion with everyone else at that point in the service.

This Sunday’s passage is Luke 13:10-21, and Psalm 139 will also be read at 10.30. The theme is Victim or Villain?

2)   Committed to Living Sustainably.

– Blister Pack recycling. The packets that various medicines come in are difficult to recycle and cannot be put in any of your usual recycling boxes. A group in the church have been working for months to find a solution for this. They have identified an organisation who will recycle blister packs. The church office is now going to be a Blister Pack collection point. You’ll see a slot has been cut in the door. Please bring any EMPTY blister packs and tell your friends and neighbours. If you have any left over pills, you CANNOT recycle the package. It needs to be taken to a pharmacy.

–  Heat Pumps Seminar.  Want to know more about Heat Pumps? Wondering about replacing your gas boiler with one?  The first sustainability seminar will tell you more: Chapel Saturday 2 March, 10-11.30 am.

Green Canopy in Malawi. Last year you gave generously to plant trees in Malawi.  A certificate of appreciation has been received and a copy is attached.

3)    Real Easter Eggs

Real Easter Eggs, the only ones which have an Easter story book in the box and are made of Fairtrade chocolate, will be available to order until Sunday 3rd March; order forms are available at both entrances to the Church including the opportunity to gift Eggs to The East Lothian Food Bank. PLEASE NOTE: Dark Chocolate eggs have SOLD OUT by the supplier and none are available; kindly change your order if you wish to have milk chocolate instead. ‘Pay & Collect’ on Sun 17th March.

4)   Kintsugi Hope

The church will host an evening with Patrick Regan, founder of the charity Kintsugi Hope Patrick will be talking on his book, Brighter Days, with themes around emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health. Many have heard him speak at Spring Harvest and this is an opportunity for many more to hear him. You can either book online at Brighter Days Tour | Eventbrite, or directly from Ali Buchanan –  £8 per adult, £5 concessions.

5)   Prayer Gathering

Every Sunday in Prayer Room between 10 and 10.20 am

Every Monday in Room 1 between 10 and 11 am.

Every Wednesday on Zoom between for 30 minutes starting at 7 pm.

Please contact the office for log on details.



Rev Dr Neil Dougall

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